Save Money, Save Time!

Most families spend far more money than is necessary on their weekly grocery bill. Subscribing to Common Cents Meals will reduce your grocery bill, save you time and allow you to cook 5 healthy, well-rounded meals for your family. Meals are designed around the weekly sales at Publix, available coupons and in-season produce. Join today!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pop Quiz: What Should You Do With Your Life?

Remember scoring your life using those remarkably accurate quizzes in the back of Cosmo or TeenBeat magazines? [You there, in denial? I saw you checking off boxes in your Sassy mag!] Well, I know you've missed those days, so I've devised a trusty little quiz to help you determine what to do with your life! You can thank me later.

Simply answer the questions as quickly and honestly as you can. Be sure to keep careful record of your responses, as they could critically affect the path your life takes.

1. What is your sentiment regarding meal planning?

     a) Meal planning? What's meal planning?

     b) Ooh! I know someone who does that!

     c) I tried that once. Lost the paper. Quit.

     d) Love it, mean it!  But I don't have time.
         I'm busy, woman!

2. For which of the following would you use dinner times with your family?

     a) To get my kids off the phone/computer/video

     b) To teach these pesky kids to try new foods

     c) To bond mightily as a family unit in the style of
         a 70s era sitcom

     d) Um, for eating? Hello?

3. What would you do with an extra $50 a week?

     a) Invest it responsibly in a variety of
         strategically diversified mutual funds

     b) Support my Starbucks habit

     c) Sink it into the betterment of my family and me

     d) Buy half of a tank of gas

4. What would you think if you were able to cut back on eating out?

     a) I'd have more green in my wallet!

     b) I'd have less muffin in my top!

     c) It would be nice if the drive thru cashier forgot
         my name.

     d) I'd feel satisfied, gratified and detoxified

5. Finally, what could an extra couple of hours a week do for your livelihood?

     a) Taking up knitting has always been a dream of

     b) I could finally get to those baseboards.

     c) I could learn a foreign language: "¿Cómo se
         puede ahorrar dinero en la cocina, Mama?"

     d) Can anyone say salsa dancing?

I hope you have kept a careful tally of your responses to aid you in the highly scientific extrapolation of data collected in this analytical survey. Prepare yourself for the results of your quiz.

[thoughtful pause]

If you chose answers a, b, c or d to any of the above listed questions, you are the perfect candidate for Common Cents Meals! Your life can be simplified and your time and money saved by simply subscribing to this meal planning service. You can confidently walk into Publix with your pre-printed list and a fistful of coupons and OWN IT. Claim your savings and cook for your family. Bring it home, sister!

Congratulations, based on your responses, you are qualifed to enjoy weekly savings and meal satisfaction with Common Cents Meals. You can sign up just over here on the right with that shiny Subscribe button ---------->

Welcome, friends!

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