Most people spend far more money than is necessary on their weekly grocery bill. Full scale couponing is not realistic for many when it comes to time spent on the process. The purpose of this service is to reduce your grocery bill through meal planning which is coordinated with sales and seasonal produce, as well as stockpiling items worth buying multiples to last until a future sale.
This weekly service will include:
- Five meals with necessary recipes
- A grocery list for each recipe
- Grocery suggestions based on sales on breakfast and lunch items
- Suggested stockpile items (2-3 to last you until next sale)
- Hyperlinks to printable coupons or dates of coupons from newspaper
- A comprehensive list at the end color coded by meal
- Blank lines to add to your list for your household this week
At this point, I’m not aiming to create meals on either end of the healthy spectrum. These are recipes that make sense with the foods that are on sale or in season this week. You may, of course, adjust and change as needed, or skip all together. If there are several options that make sense, such as types of meats or vegetables to choose, I will try to include all options. It’s not expected that you would buy everything listed in red, just choose what makes sense for your family’s tastes.
You will save money simply by shopping and eating meals by the sales, even if you opt not to use the coupons listed. I would recommend that you subscribe to the AJC Sunday paper (about $6/month, look online for prices) and date and save each week’s coupon sections to be able to go back and find coupons mentioned here. Using coupons in conjunction with a sale is the best way to get the most savings.
When there are multiple coupons listed, you can use any or all. Sometimes coupons will not be available any longer for printing, which is why I list several if there are options. Most coupons you can click the Back button and print another if you need two. Two is generally the max.
The deals I find are based broadly on Metro Atlanta. If for some reason your Publix does not have the sale item marked, you can check with manager. Occasionally there are some variations and I’m not able to know these until I’m in the store. I apologize in advance if that happens.
Thank you for your interest in Common Cents Meals!
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